So tonight I received a phone call from some who said that my computer was producing spam. They promised that they were not a scammer and ask me to do stuff.
So here's a transcript of the call
Caller: your computer is producing spam and we would like you to help you fix it
Me: huh, ok
Caller: can you go to your computer and turn it on
Me: ok it is
Caller: let me know when you can see the icons
Me: ok i can see them
Called: ok, if you look at your keyboard the bottom left should be CTRL
Me: no, its got CONTROL on it
Caller: ok,next to that should be a windows logo
Me: no its got ALT/OPTION
Caller:[puzzled voice] ok, lets try the desktop. there should be a windows logo on the bottem left
Me: No just a blue box with a K
Caller: ok click on that and it should say windows
Me: no just KDE DESKTOP
Call: [more puzzled noises]
Me: So you just want me to install your key logger then?
Caller: it should say windows
Me: So you just want me to install your key logger then?
Caller: uh, no we dont installer key loggers
Me: I am in IT know the scam
Caller:uh [ beep,beep,beep]
I always love that noise, the beeping of the phone line as they realise that I know what I am on about and the scam isnt going to work.
I thought that the give aways would have worked
1. it's not a windows keyboard but one from a Mac
2. no start button, but one for KDE
Bet I will get another call tomorrow :)
Don't you mean : "I'm in IT. I know the scam"