Having never used twitter before and needing more challenges, I came up with the idea of sending out an automated stream in real time to twitter and so was born https://twitter.com/breakinlog
This has worked out well so far.
I have been asked "how did I do it?" and so here goes.......
I installed rsyslog on to my computer and setup a new rule for auth logging.
The rule is as follows,
auth,authpriv.* ^/root/tw3.sh
This executes the wrapper (tw3.sh) on each auth event in the logger sending the data to it.
Next its tw3.sh that does the work sending information to a Perl twitter agent
echo ${message} >> /tw.log
filter1=`echo ${message}|grep -i invalid |grep user`
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo " Invalid User" >> /tw.log
datetime=`echo $filter1 |awk -F"localhost" '{print $1}'`
field=`echo $filter1 |awk -F"]:" '{print $2}'`
output=`echo $datetime $field`
/root/t2.pl "${output}"
filter1=`echo ${message}|grep "Did not receive identification string from" `
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "No Identification" >> /tw.log
datetime=`echo $filter1 |awk -F"localhost" '{print $1}'`
field=`echo $filter1 |awk -F"]:" '{print $2}'`
output=`echo $datetime $field`
/root/t2.pl "${output}"
filter1=`echo ${message}|grep "Authentication failure for"`
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "Auth Failed" >> /tw.log
datetime=`echo $filter1 |awk -F"localhost" '{print $1}'`
field=`echo $filter1 |awk -F"PAM:" '{print $2}'`
output=`echo $datetime $field`
/root/t2.pl "${output}"
Last on the list is the t2.pl which sends the filtered output to twitter (need to register to get consumer key and secret). The following was found on the net a long time ago and unfortunately it is not mine nor can I remember whose it is .
# Net::Twitter::Lite - OAuth desktop app example
# From what I can figure out, this code can only perform one operation
# ie, you can get a timeline or update but not both.
# Trying multiple actions results in "503 Bad Gateway" error.
use warnings;
use strict;
# You need to install all of these from CPAN
# along with dependencies (and having
# Bundle::CPAN installed will help)
# Data::Dumper is just for debugging.
# >sudo cpan
# cpan> install Net::Twitter::Lite
use Net::Twitter::Lite;
use File::Spec;
use File::HomeDir;
use Storable;
use Data::Dumper;
# You need to register for key and secret at http://dev.twitter.com/
# They are private-ish, don't share. Anyone using these values
# will show up as using your code.
my %consumer_tokens = (
consumer_key => 'consumer_key',
consumer_secret => 'consumer_secret',
# $datafile = oauth_desktop.dat ($0 is program name)
# This will place the dat file in users HOME dir (/home/$user/.net_twitter_example.dat)
# each user needs a .dat file to authenticate.
my (undef, undef, $datafile) = File::Spec->splitpath($0);
my $home = File::HomeDir->my_data;
$datafile = File::Spec->catfile($home,".$datafile.dat");
my $nt = Net::Twitter::Lite->new(%consumer_tokens);
my $access_tokens = eval { retrieve($datafile) } || [];
if ( @$access_tokens ) {
else {
my $auth_url = $nt->get_authorization_url;
print " Authorize this application at: $auth_url\nThen, enter the PIN# provided to continue: ";
my $pin =
chomp $pin;
# request_access_token stores the tokens in $nt AND returns them
my @access_tokens = $nt->request_access_token(verifier => $pin);
# save the access tokens
store \@access_tokens, $datafile;
# Authentication done, now process requests
# if nothing was supplied on the command line, get timeline
if (!@ARGV) {
eval {
my $statuses = $nt->friends_timeline();
for my $status ( @$statuses ) {
# dayofweek,month,day,time, offset, year
my (undef, $month, $day,undef, undef, $year) = split(' ',"$status->{created_at}");
print "$month/$day/$year <$status->{user}{screen_name}> $status->{text}\n";
warn "$@\n" if $@;
# otherwise, post the string that was supplied
# this should probably be sanatized at some point
else {
my $message = shift(@ARGV);
eval {
my $twit = $nt->update($message);
warn "$@\n" if $@;
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