Turns out my eldest is pure musical genius .... ( I might be biased )
Back whist he we completing his school my son picked up a guitar. I was not something that I was a able to join in as I have no sense of rhythm and I am tone deaf.
He was always able to play, even when it only has one string and make it sound amazing :)
Later on he got a keyboard and a computer
Fast forward to now, he is writing and producing his own work.
I am so amazed at how beautiful his music is
But I have a problem.
It is becoming the norm on social media to get there and dislike things harshly without understanding
Take a little while ago when some people I know started to berate EDM as just a waste and not music!!!
If you listen to what my son has produced you will see everything that music should be and just because it is done on computers most of the time it does not make it any less music.
He has great ability to convey emotions just using music and no lyrics !!
That is more talent than most in the music industry today who need to resort to other means to get noticed
So I you wish to listen to some very varied music, from EMD to acoustic then listen to some of his and appreciate talent
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