Thursday, 28 January 2021

IoT sensors and a new platform

 Time to start logging the work I am doing on a IoT sensor and platform...

I know that there are many, many options out there that cover some of what I am planing but in as I am an engineering type of person I thought I would give it a go

So here is my plan

  1. build a cheap weather proof sensor that will
    • run of a battery
    • solar charged
    • use WiFi for internet access
    • self register to the back end service
    • send updates at a configurable rate
    • automatically update in a secure way
  2. build a secure firmware release site
  3. build a web UI for visualisation of the sensor data
  4. use SSO from Face Book, Google etc. so that I don't need to manage accounts
  5. be able to share data with other users
  6. BONUS : export via MQTT
Number 1 & 2 are easy enough as I have been working on embedded hardware for the last 15 odd years. So I have those skills at least. 

For the rest, I have gotten to know NodeJS and VueJS. They are gelling the most with my brain and so I will be using them and in typical fashion, marrying together what ever I need from Open Source projects and new creations of mine

Should be a fun ride 😊

More info and access coming soon

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

We bought 44 acres !!!

Who would have thought that with all that has happened in 2020 that we would have bought land?
2020 was a year of many changes, my work being sold, covid stopping travel, the list goes on.

Even with all of that Jodie and I finally purchased our block of land (beyond our wildest dreams)
We have lots of work ahead of us in clearing our Lantana and working on plans for our dream house, but I will finally have a shed and kitchen in which to work

This is the best way to start a new year :)


Farewell BACnet, you served me well

It seems like many years have past since I first started to use BACnet here at home.

I had setup several sensors and had them all feeding into a BACnet server on Raspberry PI Zero W. All was working as expected and reliably.

But recently I have changed my work and I no longer have access to the the visualisation systems that I use, and in fact they were more complicated than was needed for my data, and so it's now time to look at a different path.

As I had been the infrastructure guy I have decided to see what I can do using opensource software and my own programming skills.

Stay tuned for some updates on the project